I've been hard at work on a custom piece for a dear friends little boy!
I'd normally show a picture, but this is pretty top secret!!
I love it when I can just let my imagination go...
that's when I think the best work is happens.
When this wonderful project is in the tiny hands of it's future
owner, I promise to share...
Just a little update on William the dog...he re-injured the
tissue around the surgery area.
Just a little .
set back.
Poor kid just won't leave the " boo boo" area alone,
so the doctor wanted us to try this balloon contraption.
William was getting really sleepy, but he agreed to model anyway!!
My friend Joy...The Vintage Rabbit has just been publishedin Somerset home !! I'm so thrilled for her!Not only is she talented, she's a really dear person!!
I'll be forever gratedul to Joy...she helped me " re-discover"my creative side. When I moved away from my home townseveral years ago the creative juices weren't flowing likethey once had. I missed my old life.Then one day, Joy and I reconnected by e-mail...one thingled to another and now here I am blogging...doing Etsy...and I've been published. She encouraged me...patiently!!So you see, this is why I'm so happy for my friend...there isn't a more deserving person!!xoxoxo,jen
I've been keeping a secret for a really long time!
It's finally safe to tell...I'm in Better Homes and Gardens
Holiday Crafts issue!!
What an honor to be in a magazine with so much history.
It's such a part of American life.
The whole experience was great...and what fabulous photos!!
It's on the stands and will be until December 28th!!
( I'm on page 44)